353 (number)

353 is the natural number between 352 and 354. It is a prime number.

Ordinal Three hundred [and] fifty-three
Cardinal 353rd (Three hundred [and] fifty-third)
Factorization prime
Roman numeral CCCLIII
Binary 101100001

In mathematics

353 is a palindromic prime, a cousin prime with 349, and a sexy prime with both 347 and 359. It is the first multidigit palindromic prime with all prime digits. Also, it is the smallest number whose 4th power is equal to the sum of four other 4th powers, as discovered by R. Norrie in 1911: 3534 = 304 + 1204 + 2724 + 3154.

In popular culture

Winemaker Maynard James Keenan uses 353 in reference to his Caduceus Cellars.

Calling Code

353 is also the dialing code for Ireland, e.g. (+353861234567).